Ponderings From the Crazy American

Lynn rambles on about life in the UK, being married to the silliest Englishman she knows :D, and life in general!

Friday, October 25, 2002


October 25, 1400 - Author Geoffrey Chaucer died at the age of 57. He was the first poet to be buried in Westminster Abbey.


A sneeze leaves your body at 40 miles per hour.

Time for my Friday Five.

1. What is your favorite scary movie?

Hmmmm....a toughie.....I'm not really a big scary movie person, but I did like Scream, Valentine, and Disturbing Behaviour. Frailty was really really good, but it REALLY scared me. I still look out the window before I even open the door to go out, lol!! It was just a little too conceivable. Really frightening.

2. What is your favorite Halloween treat?

Preferably anything with chocolate!!! I LOVE chocolate!!!!

3. Do you dress up for Halloween? If so, describe your best Halloween costume.

Not anymore, but I did when I was little. Oooh, and I did last year, cos I hosted a children's Halloween party to help out some people my mom worked with. I went as Professor McGonagall from the Harry Potter books. I think I looked rather good, if I do say so myself :D I made my costume using sparkly rhinestones and glitter paint. I even had a wand and the spectacles :)

4. Do you enjoy going to haunted houses or other spooky events?

Not really. They frighten me and I forget they're not real, lol!! So I don't go to many of them.

5. Will you dress up for Halloween this year?

No, unfortunately. We wanted to have a Halloween party, but with the wedding coming up so soon, we're pinching pennies. So no party for us. Besides, Halloween isn't celebrated so much in England. At least not like it is in the US.

I won the trivia at Pommy's Ponderings again!! Woo-Hoo!!! Two weeks in a row!!! Yay!!! Going to try for my third week now :D Be sure to go by and try the quiz out for yourself!!!

Also, I got an award from Jenette :) Thank you so much Jenette!! Be sure to go by and visit her blog home :D

Something I've been working on today is the program (order of service) for our wedding :) I've been playing around with Paint Shop Pro, some PSP tubes and some tutorials and I've come up with something I like very much. Also, I found a graphic at GranGran's Wedding Graphics and emailed GranGran asking permission to use the graphic. I've just gotten confirmation back from her that it was okay for me to use the graphic, so I'll now post the picture I scanned in and let you see what I've been doing. If you would like the use the flower graphic, you need to go to her home to do so. The name graphic was created by me using a tutorial I found online. I hope you enjoy it!! You can find it here.

That's about it for today!!

Thursday, October 24, 2002

Ooops, it seems as though I left part of the address out for Sisters of Hope (thanks Marci for letting me know!)!! Try clicking here and that should take you to the page!! Again, sorry about that :D

October 24, 1830 - Belva Lockwood was born. She was the first woman formally nominated for the U.S. Presidency.


It is estimated that millions of trees in the world are accidently planted by squirrels who bury nuts and then forget where they hid them!

Well, Rich is feeling better today. He's at work now. I'm meeting him this afternoon so that we can catch a bus to his Dad's house. We're having dinner with his Dad and Step-Mum again tonight. I think his brother will be there as well. That should be fun :) I like going to their house for dinner :D They always serve enough food for 15 people, lol!!

Oooh, I now have that web address for the group I joined the other day :D The group is called Sisters of Hope and you can apply to join here. They are a great group of ladies, so if you're looking for a group of friends to be there for you, we might just be the one you're looking for! :)

Not much else going on. Just playing with Paint Shop Pro. Trying to make some graphics :D

Dayna, Congratulations on the job!!! I know you and Ricky are excited.....maybe it won't be too long until you are together again!!

Alison, I checked my email and I'll email you back in a bit!!

Now I'm off to check my groups and reply to some emails!! Have a great day everyone!!!!

Wednesday, October 23, 2002


1910 - Blanche S. Scott became the first woman to make a public solo airplane flight.


Two-thirds of the people in the world have NOT made a phone call.

Good Afternoon, blog world!! Sorry I haven't posted earlier, but I've been doing some house cleaning this morning. My honey is home sick today. His tummy is bothering him, so he decided to stay home and have a rest and try to get better. And I decided to do some long overdue straightening up, lol!

Not much else going on today. I joined a new group last night, called Sisters of Hope :) I'm very excited to be a part of this group....they all seem like such wonderful ladies and I'm really glad to have a chance to get to know them better!! When the website is completed, I'll post a link so you can apply to join, if you'd like.

Also, I downloaded a trial version of Paint Shop Pro 7 last night. Since I've hinted and hinted (to the point of actually saying "This is what I want....") to Rich that I would like the full version for Christmas, I'm hoping I'll get it :D Til then (well, at least for the next 30 days) I'll make do with the trial version. So, I'm going to play with that some and may post some more later!

Tuesday, October 22, 2002

Hmmm....seems the link to Brittany's picture won't work, so you can get it here. I don't think I was very clear on which one Brittany was, lol! I read the post back and couldn't determine if it was clear, so I'll state it more clearly here. Brittany is the SHORTER of the 2, lol!! The taller one is her half-sister Miranda. That should work now :D

October 22, 1968 - Apollo 7 splashed down in the Atlantic Ocean. The spacecraft had orbited the Earth 163 times.


Most elephants weigh less than the tongue of the blue whale.

Great news!!! I placed first in the contest last night!!!! So I should go onto the semi-finals, right??? Wrong. The first semi-final is on November 18 and the second semi-final is November 25. Our flight to the US is November 14 and the flight back is December 2. So I miss the semi-finals all around. However, the coordinator was going to speak to the manager of the place and see if they could add me as 1st alternate to the finals. Meaning that if someone failed to show up, I would perform in their place. That's really the best I could hope for. He's going to call me next week and let me know and I'll keep you all informed!!!

I've been doing a lot of reflecting today. One month from today, I'll be 24 years old and one month from tomorrow, I'll be Mrs. Richard. And also one month from tomorrow, I'll have a 9 year old niece. It all seems very strange. Its really hard for me to believe that I'm going to be 24 years old!!! Its also really strange to think that Rich and I will be married next month. Three years ago, I didn't even know Rich! Two years ago, I knew him, but never actually thought we'd be getting married; and a year ago, I knew we'd be getting married, but I didn't think it would be this soon. Its really funny how things change with a little bit of time. Ten years ago, I never thought I'd be an aunt again :) I had 1 nephew from a brother and sister-in-law who were not having anymore children, a sister who couldn't have children, and a brother who was divorced and a confirmed bachelor. Now, the confirmed bachelor is the dad of my 9 year old niece (and is going through another divorce) and my sister and her husband have adopted a little girl :) Here are some pictures of Brittany, my soon-to-be 9 year old niece (with her half-sister on her mom's side, she's the short one, lol) and Rachel, my niece who just turned 1 in August. Aren't they dolls??? :D Proud Aunt on Board, lol!! I don't have any pictures of my nephew, Michael, here, but I should tell you he's 16 (since July) and is another of my angels :D Its just so hard to see where all the time went. I am very happy to be marrying Rich, but sometimes I get sentimental, lol! That's okay though, cos now I'm making memories with Rich that I'll look back on just as fondly.

I'm off now to reply to some emails and post at the Online Wives Club!

Monday, October 21, 2002

Ooops, I didn't post yesterday! Rich and I just had a really lazy, relaxing day. So....I'm going to post trivia for yesterday and for today!!


October 20, 1740 - Maria Theresa became the ruler of Austria, Hungary and Bohemia with the death of her father, Holy Roman Emperor Charles VI.

October 21, 1805 - The Battle of Trafalgar occurred off the coast of Spain. The British defeated the French and Spanish fleet.

October 21, 1849 - The first tattooed man, James F. O’Connell, was put on exhibition at the Franklin Theatre in New York City, NY.


During the escape from Death Star I in 'Star Wars: A New Hope', Harrison Ford can be seen mouthing Carrie Fisher's lines to her.

Marilyn Monroe had six toes.

Hope that satisfies everyone's craving for trivia for another day, lol!! Not much going on here....just been resting most of the weekend. Rich and I have been extremely tired for some reason. I think its stress. So much planning left to do for the wedding, but it all seems to be coming together.

Oh, btw, the Birth Certificate matter has sorted itself and we won't have to go to London!! Rich's mum has a long-form copy of his birth certificate, so we're going to get that from her. That's good news :D I was really worrying about that!

I got an email a couple of days ago from the coordinator of the singing competition I was in the other week. He wanted me to re-enter the competition, because the other one was so close. So tonight, I'll be singing again. I'm trying a different song tonight, so I'll let you all know how it goes tomorrow! Wish me luck :D

Rich and I went to the cinema last night and saw a really, really funny movie! Neither of us had heard of it until yesterday when we were checking the movies out online. It looked funny, so we watched it and it was hilarious!! I would recommend it to anyone :) Its called Slap Her, She's French (no offense to anyone reading this who may be French!). You can read a synopsis of it here.

That's about it for now!! If I have time, I may post some more later, but probably not!! Back tomorrow though!

Saturday, October 19, 2002

I made another dollie!! Well, actually a couple :) This is my rendition of Rich and I.....hope you like!

Lynn and Rich Dollie, base drawn by Katie

The base was, again, drawn by Katie.
Time for today's trivia!


October 19, 1951 - U.S. President Truman singed an act officially ending the state of war with Germany.


The first CD pressed in the US was Bruce Springsteen's "Born in the USA".

So that's your trivia for today!! Not a lot to say this morning. Rich and I are just having a lazy day at home. We've done some cleaning and are doing laundry, but not much else. I'm going to try to make some more dolls today and some blinkies as well!! I may post some more later!

Friday, October 18, 2002

Its very late and, yes, I know I said I was going to have an early night, but...oh, well :D Anyway, I've taken some inspiration from Jennie and made a doll!! I already have a website that offers dolls for adoption, but those dolls were made with a drag-n-drop dollmaker. This is the first doll I've made the clothes for myself!! The base was downloaded from Katie's site. She drew these bases, so if you'd like to make one yourself, go there and download a base for yourself. Be sure to link back to her though!! Anyway, here's my doll!

Lynn Dollie made with base drawn by Katie

Hehe, I tried to make it look a bit like me. If you have time and don't mind, leave me a comment on my tag-board or on the comments section below and tell me what you think!!

I'm going to bed now, lol!! Nighty-night all!!
*Yawn* Oh, excuse me :D Wow!! I am sooooo tired today!!! No idea why either, as we went to bed earlier than usual last night (even though that was still nearly midnight, lol). I just feel totally exhausted. Will probably have a very early night tonight. Alright, so on to the trivia!!!!


October 18, 1958 - The first computer-arranged marriage took place on Art Linkletter's show. (Wow!! And we thought this was new stuff, hehe!)

October 19, 1892 - The first long-distance telephone line between Chicago, IL, and New York City, NY, was opened.


The first couple to be shown in bed together on prime-time television were Fred and Wilma Flintstone.

So there you have it :D Fun stuff!!

Speaking of trivia......I won the quiz at Amy's blog!!!! I've uploaded it to my page, so you should see it somewhere right over <-----there. Thanks so much Amy!! Be sure to go by her blog....she posts her quiz every Saturday morning (New Zealand time) and you have till Friday to get your answers in! Its lots of fun and you'll learn some things you didn't know!!

Seems I may have finally got my comments section to work, so if you want to make a comment on a post (and don't have room on the Tag-Board) you can do it there! Talk to me people!! LOL

Time for the Friday Five.

1. How many TVs do you have in your home?

At the moment, none, lol!! Rich and I haven't bought a television yet. We've been spending all of our extra money on the wedding, so we didn't think we should spend it on a television and then the T.V. Liscense, as well as the programming. However, in December, when Rich's pay raise (backdated to June) comes in, that's one of the first things we're getting!!!

2. On average, how much TV do you watch in a week?

Again, no telly, but when we did.....probably about.....well, let's just say a LOT!!! Not sure the exact number, but they'd be embarrassing, lol!! It seemed as if all we ever did was watch television when we had it!! It'll probably be the same in December!

3. Do you feel that television is bad for young children?

I'm probably not the best person to ask this question, because when I was little, I watched even more television than I do now (when I'm around it)! I watched loads of telly, but I also read a LOT, so I think I'm a pretty intelligent person. So, I'd have to say that television is not bad for young children if watched in moderation and the programming is monitored. I know our children will watch television, but violence and adult material will be out!! As much as possible anyway. Seems you can't watch anything without there being some violence or PG (Over 13) rated stuff.

4. What TV shows do you absolutely HAVE to watch, and if you miss them, you're heartbroken?

Well, the programs I miss most are CSI, Scrubs, and Friends. I haven't seen the new series of CSI: Miami because I've been in England and that's about to kill me!!! Oh, another favorite is Diagnosis Murder. I just love Dick van Dyke!! I think he's an amazing actor :D

5. If you had the power to create your own television network, what would your line-up look like?

All of the above mentioned shows, along with lots of other favorites :D There are just too many to name, but it would be ideal television for me, hehe!!

So that's my Friday Five!! Hope you enjoyed them. I was going to say something else, but I can't seem to recall what it was.........Oh, yes!! Dayna!! I hope the job interview goes well!! That would be a tremendous help for you and Ricky!! Don't worry, you guys will be back together before long!!! Take care hun!!

I may be back later with more, but I may not.....don't get upset if I'm not ;) LOL......May just have an early night!!

Ciao for now!!

Thursday, October 17, 2002

Oooh, and here's one more quiz!

What Was Your PastLife?

Hi Everyone!! Okay, here are today's trivia! I'm going to cheat and have two facts under the Today in History section!!


October 17, 1777 - American troops defeated British forces in Saratoga, NY. It was the turning point in the American Revolutionary War.

October 17, 1979 - "Tusk," the two record set by Fleetwood Mac, was released by Warner Brothers Records.


A jumbo jet uses 4,000 gallons of fuel to take off.

Hehe, I LOVE Fleetwood Mac, so I couldn't let that little opportunity pass by! Well, I've been doing a lot of bloghopping today. I also applied to join a wonderful little group called On Wings of Love. Its a friendship group for women only (sorry guys!) Hopefully, my application will be approved :) I've also added several other blogs to my reads, so be sure to go by and have a look at their blogs :D

I'm working on drawing some graphics, but I want to get Rich's opinion before I put them up (hehe), so I'll let you know when they're up. They'll be going on my Southern Charm's page, as well. More about that later though.

Rich and I have temporarily sorted the Birth Certificate problem. He's going to see if he can take a day off from work next week so that we can go down to London. If not, we'll go this Saturday. We decided that would be the easiest thing to do and that, since we had to go anyway, we'd just make a day of it. We'll do some sight-seeing and things like that :) I'm really looking forward to it!

Here's a quiz I've seen at several other blogs, so I decided I'd take it as well!

Who are you?

Hmmm...I seem to be like pretty much everyone else I know who took this quiz, lol! (Well, a couple of others were something else, but most everyone seems to be a Hippy Chick as well.)

That's all for now! Back later!

Wednesday, October 16, 2002

Ohhh, Dayna!!! Glad to hear you got home safely! I know you must be feeling awful, missing Ricky. One of my biggest fears is that there will be a problem with my UK visa application and that I'll have to stay in the US while Rich returns, then fly back over later. It would just mean being away from him for a few weeks, but I don't want to be away from him at all. And, chances are, I won't have to be, but I still worry. I'm here if you need to talk....just email or tag me!

I've created some more blinkies!! You can see them here. Hope you like them! If you take any, remember to grab a linkie!! Nighty-night all!
Oooh, I thought you all might enjoy seeing our engagement photo. This photo of Rich and I was just taken a couple of weeks ago :D You can see it here.
Yay!!! My blog's working again!!!! Okay, so I had to totally start over and redo my template, but that's okay....I'm still here!! Okay, so today's trivia......


October 16, 1793 - Marie-Antoinette, wife of the former King Louis XVI of France, is beheaded by guillotine in Paris.


Betsy Ross is the only real person that was the head on a Pez dispenser.

Okay, so I hope you liked those :D I'm feeling a bit stressed today. I've been telling Rich that he needed to get his long-form copy of his Birth Certificate for the wedding, but I find out, he hasn't gotten it yet. So I think, no problem.....I'll look it up online and find out if we can apply for it there. So I head on over to the website and lo and behold....it takes 28 days for the copy to come through!!!!!!!! Our flight is in 28 days!!!!! So, I panic and look up how to get there in person. You have to go to London. That's a 4 hour drive from here and neither of us drive!!!! And, you can't get it in one day. They have to mail it to you 4 days later. So, even though I know it'll all be okay (please, please, please) I'm panicing and stressing much!!! I feel sick. Everytime I turn around, there's seems to be another hurtle to cross. I'll just be glad when its all over with. I am very excited about the wedding, but I just feel sick thinking about getting it all together in such a short time, then going to New York and dealing with immigration in an even shorter time. Then when we get back, we have to plan our blessing and start applying for Rich's Visa to the US. ARRRGGGGHHHHHH!!!!! I can't stand it.

I must calm down though. Everything will work out, it'll just take some time and patience. Now if I can just stop freaking out.......

More later.

Tuesday, October 15, 2002

Well, my blog is not publishing at all. So I'm really just typing this for myself. Hopefully, it'll be working again soon. I've emailed blogger, so maybe they can tell me what to do to correct it before long!
Hmm...still no success with opening the template to my blog. Grrr.... Oh, well, here are a couple of quizzes I found at Jennie's blog.

What Obscure Animal are you?

What Spooky Being are You?

LOL....as I sat here taking that last quiz and posting it, I'm wearing a bright green sweater from.....Old Navy!!! LOL Guess that quiz is closer to the truth than I'd hope, lol!!!

Grrr...my blog's not working correctly again!!!! Gonna keep trying to figure it out. In the meantime......


October 15, 1972 - Jackie Robinson threw out the ceremonial first pitch at the second game of the World Series commemorating the twenty-fifth anniversary of his becoming the first African-American to play in modern Major League Baseball.


Leonardo da Vinci spent 12 years painting the Mona Lisa's lips.

So there ya go. A bit of trivia for you. Now I'm off to try to work out what's going wrong with my blog and I'll be back later!

Monday, October 14, 2002

Well, today sees the start of a couple of new things on my blog. I've decided to have a "Today in History" fact and a "Fact of the Day" section on my blog!! So, here's your first of each :D


October 14, 1943 - Prisoners in the Sobibor Death Camp in Germany revolt against thier Nazi captors and escape.


Tom Sawyer was the first novel written on a typewriter.

I hope you enjoy these new features to my blog. I just thought it would make it a bit interesting for everyone to read :)

Just got home a bit ago from meeting Rich for lunch. We just had a very leisurely hour. Didn't do anything much except eat our sandwiches. I didn't take Isabelle with me today, because its a bit cold here and she got very cold Friday when she went with me. When we have her with us, we have to stay outside and I didn't want her or us getting cold, so she stayed home. She was extremely excited to see me when I got back!!

I have a bit of a headache today. I slept late because my head was just bothering me too badly to get out of bed. I've taken some medication for it, but so far, no good. I hope I start feeling better soon, as Rich and I are due out to his Dad's for a meal this evening. I'm sure everything will be fine though.

I ran across another very cute blog today. Visit Trudy's Thoughts. She's from England and she met her boyfriend online. He's from England as well :) She has a very lovely site :D I found this quiz at her site.

My inner Goddess color is blue!
© What's your Inner Goddess Color?? © Jen

BLUE belongs to the Planet Venus, the giver of Love, devotion and harmony. Its stone is the Amethyst, the super-sacred of the seven jewels. Pale blue in the aura represents devotion, while dark blue shows fanaticism.

Hmmm....interesting :D Well, that's all for now!! I may be back later :D

Saturday, October 12, 2002

Okay everyone!! Just a short post tonight. I've made a page with my blinkies!! There are only a few there so far, but I will be making some more. I've also drawn 3 backgrounds that are used on the page with my blinkies. Be sure to go by and visit. If you want to adopt my blinkies, the rules are on the page!!

Visit Southern Charm Blinkies

More tomorrow!!!
Hehe!! I've made another blinkie!!

Blinkie by Lynn

Friday, October 11, 2002

Okay, here are my Friday Five.

1. If you could only choose 1 cd to ever listen to again, what would it be?

Fleetwood Mac's Greatest Hits. I love that CD and that band. There's just no way I could go without hearing them :D

2. If you could only choose 2 movies to watch ever again, what would they be?

My Big Fat Greek Wedding and Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil Again, I just love those movies. It would be really hard not to ever get to see any others, but those would be my choices!

3. If you could only choose 3 books to read ever again, what would they be?

Wow!! This is a really really difficult question!! Hehe....I'm going to cheat a bit....it would probably be the last 3 books of the Harry Potter series :D :D :D I'm really looking forward to getting my hands on them. There is no way I could not read them!!

4. If you could only choose 4 things to eat or drink ever again, what would they be?

Coca-Cola, Dairy Queen Hamburgers (hehe), Pizza, and Cookies!!!!! LOL....got to have my sweet stuff there!!! (Most things in the UK just aren't sweet enough for me!)

5. If you could only choose 5 people to ever be/talk/associate/whatever with ever again, who would they be?

Rich, My Mom, Rachel (my neice), Kristy (my best friend before Rich), Brittany (my other neice)

Gracious!!! Those were some really hard questions this week!! Maybe next weeks will be a bit easier!!
Hi Everyone!!

I am soooooo excited!!! I just made my first blinkie!!! Here it is.....

I will definitely be making some more blinkies now!! If you'd like to adopt this blinkie, feel free to do so, just remember to link it to http://www.ponderingsfromthecrazyamerican.com . Be sure to check back for more blinkies to come!!!
I'm getting really really frustrated with my blog again. I've been trying to add a comments section, but the code I get from Haloscan.com doesn't seem to work with my blog. I just don't know what I'm doing wrong. If anyone has any ideas, please let me know!!!

Rich and I are going this evening to pick up our engagement photo. We'll have to spend some time tonight or tomorrow morning writing up our announcement so that we can email it to my mom. She'll have to take it to the newspaper in my hometown to get it added.

We didn't get the church we had hoped on getting for the wedding, but we're trying a few other places. Since I'm from a really small town in the middle of the Bible Belt (there are like 50 churches in a town with a population less than 10,000!), it shouldn't be too hard to find somewhere. Not that many people can be planning on getting married that day, lol.

I've spent most of the day posting on the forums of Lovingyou.com. I used to post there, but I haven't in a long time. So I decided to check it out today and they've changed it all around. Now you have to register to post. So I registered as Lynn angel (Lynn had already been taken) and posted some. Its really funny because I'm a junior member, even though I used to post and have probably posted many many many times, lol...but, I'll start over :D If I post regularly, I should soon be a senior member.

Rich should be home soon. I have to go make dinner in a bit. We're having homemade hamburgers tonight (with a special secret ingredient I always add). Then his Dad and Step-Mum should be over soon. They're going with us to pick up our photo. A friend of Rich's whom he's writing a screenplay with will be round tomorrow night. She's a vegetarian, so I'm trying a new recipe. I'm making Fajitas, Vegetable Fajitas for Susan and Meat and Veggie Fajitas for Rich and I. Should be interesting. We'll eat and then I'm going to come upstairs and play on the computer while they work on their writing. Should be fun :)

Oooh, took another quiz. Here it is.

Congratulations, you're New Orleans, the wild city.
What US city are you? Take the quiz by Girlwithagun.

Okay, off now to make some dinner!!

Thursday, October 10, 2002

Well, I just took some more quizzes that I found at Michelle's blog.

What legendary creature are you?

You are an angel.

What legend are you?. Take the Legendary Being Quiz by Paradox

What type of faery are you?

Congratulations, you're a Pillywiggin, a trouping flower fae.
What kind of female faerie are you?
Take the female faerie quizby Paradox.

What's your magical style?

Your magical style is Faery.

What type of Magic do you work?. Take the Magical Style Quiz by Paradox

Kewl quizzes....all entertainment, so I hope no one gets their nose bent out of shape!! They're just for fun!!

Ooops, I didn't come back yesterday! I'm so bad about not writing back sometimes. Oh, well, let's see....My Big Fat Greek Wedding was one of the best movies I've ever seen!!! I think it now has to go in as one of my favorites. I just loved it. It was so funny, but also so sweet!! I was crying during several parts....happy tears though....kept making me think of our wedding :D One Hour Photo was, in opposite fashion, very sad. It was very well written and directed....really a great film, but you just couldn't dislike Robin Williams' character. I cried through that as well, lol!! I'm just a cry baby!! Both movies were great though and come highly recommended if you haven't seen them yet.

Rich and I chose the design for our wedding cake last night, as well as the design for his Groom's Cake. We're having a lot of cake, let me tell you, lol!!! Especially for a small wedding, but, oh, well. It'll be eaten!! That's about all for the last two days....not much going on my way. Oooh, just took another quiz that I found at Michelle's blog.

Which blogging tool are you?

You are not very reliable but people like you anyway because you are so easygoing and fun to be with. And cute, too.

Which Blogging Tool Are You?

Wednesday, October 09, 2002

Oooh, just found this in Jennie's archives.

What annoying Internet Entity are you?

Also found this at Jennie's :)

What fruit are you?

Strawberry: 40/100 Pear: 20/100 Banana: 10/100 Tomato: 35/100 Lemon: 20/100

Take the What Fruit Are You? test by Ellen and Aaron!

I've finally got up the pictures of my wedding gown, Rich's suit, and Isabelle!!! To see the front of my wedding gown, click here. To see the back of my gown, click here. You can have a look at Rich's suit jacket and waistcoat here. And you can see a picture of Isabelle here.

Back in a bit with some more about the movies we saw last night!!

Tuesday, October 08, 2002

Whew!! I've had a really busy day!! Isabelle and I just got home from being out with Rich's step-mum. We had to go back to the place we bought Rich's suit and pick up his trousers (they'd had to alter them lengthwise). The place is in York, which is about an hour's drive away. We had a good time though :) We talked about the wedding and about the blessing we'll have in England in April or May of next year. Just girl stuff :D

Since we got home though, I've hung a load of washing out, put another load on to wash, fed Isabelle and taken her for a walk!! Oh, and talked to my mom!! All in all, a pretty busy day. Also, Rich and I are out this evening at the Cinema. We're actually going to see 2 movies tonight, One Hour Photo, starring Robin Williams, and My Big Fat Greek Wedding. I'm really looking forward to seeing both of those movies. They both look so good!!

Which Smiley are You?

Created by Jessi.

Hmmm...go figure :D No wonder I always write with exclamation marks!!

Monday, October 07, 2002

Hehehe....I just found this quiz at Sparkles Ramblings, a cute blog I found with the help of Bloghop.com.

Which Rainbow Brite kid are you? By Growing.

Hmm...that does and doesn't sound like me. You'll have to decide for yourself :D

Oooh, one more :D :D

You are garnet
You sometimes seem like a snobby and bossy person, but really, you are always thinking about other people before thinking about yourself.

take this quiz!

I'm still having some problems with my blog, but I'm going to try to post anyway. I just found this quiz at Jennie's blog. Click on my results to take the test yourself.

discover what candy you are @ stvlive.com

Well, I can't seem to get my blog to work very well. Is anyone else having problems with their blog not wanting to post or publish? This is really just a test to see if it'll even work. Its really frustrating!!

Sunday, October 06, 2002

YAY!! We got Rich's suit today!!! Its a navy blue, 3-peice suit. We went shopping with his Dad and Step-Mum again today and they bought Rich's suit as well!! So, this has been a really really good weekend :D :D :D I'm going to try to take some pictures of my gown tonight and of Isabelle so that I can add them to our MSN Community and you can all see them. I'll try to get them developed tomorrow and then add them tomorrow night.

On a different note, I think I'll do the Friday Five. Yes, I realize its Sunday, but I'm a little late, lol!! I just found these on Jennie's, Julie's (Juls), and Kamie's blogs. So here goes!!

1. What size shoe do you wear?

US size 7 1/2, UK size 5 1/2

2. How many pairs of shoes do you own?2

I have 6 pairs with me in the UK at the moment, but I have another 20 or so left in GA. What can I say? I LOVE shoes, lol!!!

3. What type of shoe do you prefer (boots, sneakers, pumps, etc.)?

I usually prefer sneakers or chunky-heeled sandals

4. Describe your favorite pair of shoes. Why are they your favorite?

My favorite pair of shoes is my sneakers. They are blue, white and pink Skechers Sport shoes. They are my favorites because they were a birthday gift from my Mom last year and because they are so darn comfortable!!! Rich and I do a lot of walking, so they are just perfect for that!!

5. What's the most you've spent on one pair of shoes?

Probably the most I've ever spent on a pair of shoes was something like $40. I think the most that's ever been spent on shoes for me was about $60.

So that's my answers for the Friday Five. Hmm.....

Okay so now, I'm gonna do another thing I found on all of the above mentioned blogs and also at Christina's. I think Jennie found it at Chocolate Orange.

I am very different than I was 2 years ago
I think my life is much better than it could have been, had I not made the decisions I've made
I know more now than I thought I did when I thought I knew everything. And I still don't know much.
I want to see my family and have a beautiful, love-filled wedding
I have a great personality and a keen sense of humour (did I spell that right?....or is that the British spelling??!!)
I wish I was thinner than I am.
I hate being away from people I love (Rich or my family).
I miss my family and Dairy Queen hamburgers!!
I fear crossing bridges with water beneath them and thoughts of Rich not being in my life.
I hear Rich playing with our puppy :)
I wonder if we'll be able to get my UK Spousal Visa in 1 day.
I regret not making more close friends when I was in school and letting go of those friendships I had (with the exception of my best from-school friend, Kristy).
I love Rich with all of my heart, as well as my family, friends, and pets.
I ache whenever it rains or gets cold (I'm getting old!!) and my knees pop out of joint.
I care about helping all I can to bring missing children home safely.
I always compare the US to the UK (and it varies with which country is on my good side on any given day, lol!!)
I am not always as responsible as I should be.
I dance as often as I can....which is often!!
I sing whenever I hear music.
I cry at night, when Rich is asleep and I miss my family.
I do not always keep in touch with people the way I should (sorry about that to Kristy and Gem....I really am getting around to emailing you both back :D).
I fight my low self-esteem issues.
I write songs, poetry, and stories when I'm in the "write" (hehe) mood.
I win at UNO, almost always.
I lose most other games.
I confuse $$'s and ££'s.
I listen to musicians like Fleetwood Mac and ABBA.
I can usually be found on the computer.
I need to spend more time cleaning and less time online.
I am happy when I'm with Rich.
I should now get offline and play Trivial Pursuit with my hubby to be :).

Saturday, October 05, 2002

I have some absolutely fantabulous news!!! We went today to a HUGE warehouse sale in Grantham looking for a wedding gown for me. It was Rich and I and his Dad and Step-Mum. I was really worried about getting the gown because I knew that we had a strict budget to stick to and it was not an awful lot (at least not for a wedding gown). So when we got there, we got the instructions, I got measured, and then we went to look at the gowns. When we started looking, my heart just sank. All the gowns were pretty much out of the question price-wise. Rich and I and his step-mum were looking at the gowns and I kept looking at the price tags to see how much each dress was. Rich's Dad called his step-mum back to where he was and said something to her. She then came back to where we were and whispered something to Rich. Rich then came and whispered in my ear that his Dad had said not to even look at the prices, that if I found one I liked and we needed help with it, they'd help!!! I was so shocked and very very happy!!

So I then picked out the dresses I liked and went to try them on. One of the ones I tried on was GORGEOUS and it looked great on me, so that's the one I chose. It was £399. When we got to the area to pay, Rich's Dad just handed over his credit card!!! He paid for my wedding gown!!! And didn't ask us to pay him anything at all!! Which means we have more money to spend on the actual wedding, which is great!! I'm just sooooo happy!!!

And then, as though that wasn't enough, we went to the kennel and got our puppy today :) So now I have a wedding gown and a puppy all in the same day :D :D :D We've given her a bath, and now she's downstairs with Rich, eating some food. Its been such a great day!!! Tomorrow, Rich, Isabelle and I are going out with his Dad and Step-Mum again to some outlet stores to look for more things for the wedding. I'm really really happy :D

I'm also, really really sleepy, so I'll post some more tomorrow about our shopping trip on both days and about our night out last night. Juls, I'm not sure I know exactly what you're asking about the dolls (but that may just be because I'm sleepy, lol) so I'll have another look at it tomorrow and try to email you with an answer!!

Ciao for tonight folks!

Friday, October 04, 2002

Oooh, I just made another dollie!! I quite like this one....what do you all think??

Bewitched; Created by Lynn
Yay!! It's Friday!!! *Lynn does a little dance* I'm so glad the weekend is nearly here!!

Okay, more details of last night. Rich's Mum acted so different last night!! I really had a wonderful time! I made a beef, carrot, onion, and mushroom casserole, mashed potatoes (southern style, with lots of butter and condensed milk....yum!), green beans and califlower, and Yorkshire Puddings!! I must admit....I even amazed myself at how well the Yorkshire Puddings came out. Its only the second time I've ever tried them and the first time was awful...but then, I was in the US when I did those, so that could have something to do with it :D These just turned out so nice and fluffy! It was wonderful!! And I think Rich's Mum was impressed. Hehe!

So, today I've been working on my blog some more. I created a little graphic for my blog using Dollz Mania's Dollmaker. This is what it looks like

Lynn's Blog

If you'd like one for yourself, email me and I'll make one for you. I want to try to make some blinkies, but I suspect you have to have Paint Shop Pro to do this, and I, unfortunately, won't have that until Christmas (its one of the things I've said I want, lol). So, it may have to wait until then. If I can figure out how to do it beforehand, I'll let you know!

In answer to Dayna's post about Phil and Kate, I'm not sure if Kate is Australian or not.....I don't think she is (she doesn't sound Australian...and I can tell the difference in the accents, lol!), but I'll find out for sure. I'm still feeling a bit ill, so I'm not positive we'll be going out tonight, but I'll find out anyway :)

As Christina mentioned, the big day is coming up very soon. And yes, I am VERY nervous, lol! We're going tomorrow to search for a gown again. This is the sale we've been planning to go to for weeks!!! They're clearing out the 2002 stock so that they can get the 2003 dresses in, so everything is marked way way down. Keep your fingers crossed that I find something!!

Also, great news!!! The puppy is ours!!! We can pick her up on Sunday :D :D :D Yesterday was the last day she could be claimed and no one claimed her. She's doing fine after her vaccinations, as well. I think I can safely tell you her name now. She's going to be calle.....*drum roll*.....Isabelle!! She just looks like and Isabelle. She's got curly black hair and she just looks so sweet! As soon as we get some pictures of her, I'll post them on our MSN Community. By the way, if you'd like to join our MSN Community, you can do so by going here. Well, I'm going to stop there for a while. I'm trying to make some new dolls for my graphics site, so I'm off to do that!!

Thursday, October 03, 2002

Well, the meal tonight went off very well indeed! I got everything tidied up and cooked the meal. We had a very nice time :P I'm glad everything went well.

It also seems as though the smilies I just found on Jennie's site today are no longer available. Hmm...oh, well. Leave it to me to get in at the last moment!

Its really late here now, so I'm going to let Rich have the computer for a bit. Then we're going to get some sleep! More tomorrow!!
Oh, I feel awful Adopt a Smile I think I may have a touch of stomach flu Adopt a Smile Rich feels about the same, so that's just great. And his mum is due round this evening for a meal. Lovely. Just lovely. So now I have to try to get some mopping and vacuuming done before she gets here, or else she'll think I'm the biggest slob that ever walked. And I just really don't feel like it Adopt a Smile It'll be alright though. I'll get it done. I'll make a fabulous meal. I'll eat. I'll go to bed. And I'll probably feel better tomorrow. Just wish today was over.

Tomorrow night Rich and I are supposed to go out with some friends. We haven't been out dancing since July, so we thought we'd go out with Phil and Kate (good friends). Hope I feel better though. Then on Saturday, its off to look for my wedding gown. Sunday, we're supposed to pick up our puppy (assuming nothing else goes wrong)! I called yesterday and she was doing fine after her vaccinations and she had not yet been claimed, so I'm hoping it'll be alright!

On Monday, our wedding rings will be in!!!! I can't wait for that Adopt a Smile Things are beginning to come together a bit more, but its hard to plan a wedding when you're 4000 miles from where its taking place!! It'll happen though Adopt a Smile

Tuesday, October 01, 2002

Just a short post today....got to get some dinner on so that we'll be ready to eat when Rich gets home and can then go to the cinema. Not much going on today. Just working on our website a bit and tidying up a bit. Met Rich for lunch today. We ate at Burger King. Nothing like an American hamburger to make me feel better :D Been a little homesick lately. Also, missing Rich some, because he's been working a good bit of overtime. However, I see him everyday, so I shouldn't miss him, right? But I do. Sometimes I'm too strange, even for myself.