Ponderings From the Crazy American

Lynn rambles on about life in the UK, being married to the silliest Englishman she knows :D, and life in general!

Monday, June 09, 2003

I just need somewhere to blab this to, so this is it (sorry for this). I just can't seem to find the energy to do anything. I don't want to blog, I don't want to be online, I don't want to go to work, or draw graphics, or watch television, or talk to Rich or anything! I don't know what's wrong with me!! I've been trying all afternoon to work on a new webset to use on my blog and to offer for download on my graphics site and I just have a complete blank. I can't think of anything to draw, nor do I even have the desire to do so!!!! I know I've been depressed lately with wanting to go home, but its not even that now. Yes, I want to go home, but I know I'll get to eventually. I'm just losing the will to do anything and I don't know why! Everything bores me. I'm hungry now, but the thought of eating anything just bores me to tears!! There's nothing that I really want...no food that interests me. And knowing that I'll have to cook dinner in a bit is agonizing! I just don't know what's wrong with me.

Sorry, but I just had to say this somewhere and this just happened to be the (un)lucky place.
Yup, I'm still alive! Just not been very chatty lately. Not depressed, just not chatty. Feeling kinda lazy lately. But I did want to let you know I'm okay. I'm still working on the project, although probably not as much as I should. Its still not finished yet, but maybe soon. These Lycos strip things over there -------> are getting on my nerves, so I may look for a new server thingy. Gonna go for now, but may post something later. I'm also looking for some new graphics for this page and I don't really feel like making them, so anyone who knows of some great (free) graphics, let me know!