Ponderings From the Crazy American

Lynn rambles on about life in the UK, being married to the silliest Englishman she knows :D, and life in general!

Monday, February 24, 2003

I just finished reading a really well-written book called The Dream Solution by Bernard O'Mahoney. It tells the story of a pair of sisters in London who were convicted in 1992 (?) for the murder of Alison Shaunessy and then appealed their conviction and were released in 1993. Bernard worked to help get their conviction overturned only to find out later that they really had murdered Alison. Its a really good book.....I would definitely recommend it! Oh, and if you're wondering how the two were connected to the victim, one of the sisters was having an affair with Alison's husband. The most horrible thing to me is that the two of them were released and now can never be tried again It just makes me so mad to think about it!!! They're now both mother's who live in Kent (according to Mr. O'Mahoney's site). Really pisses me off!! (Excuse my language)

Well, enough of that....hope you're all having a great Monday!! May do the Monday Mission in a bit.....we'll see

Saturday, February 22, 2003

I know its not Friday, but here is a late edition of the Friday Five.

1. What is your most prized material possession?

My wedding ring. I don't think that needs any more explanation

2. What item, that you currently own, have you had the longest?

Ummmm....hmmmm.......uhhhh.....Well, in Georgia (I still own the stuff....its just in another country!), I have a porcelain doll that I've had since I was 8 I think. That would make it 16 years old. Oh, but wait!!! I just remembered that I have a doll that I got when I was 4 (making it 20 years old) that was all cloth (stuffed with cotton) and pink. Her name is Pink Baby (hey, I was 4 what do you expect?). That was my favorite doll ever!! The oldest thing I have with me in England is probably my luggage (I've had it for about 8 years).

3. Are you a packrat?

This question should be answered with a loud, resounding YES!!!!! I keep EVERYTHING!!! Its really bad sometimes, but that's just me

4. Do you prefer a spic-and-span clean house? Or is some clutter necessary to avoid the appearance of a museum?

Clutter is necessary. Not a lot, but enough that the house looks lived in. I hate houses that you go in and they look as though they're expecting the Queen for lunch. They just don't look natural. I don't have a problem with a clean house, but I think you should still have a few little things about so that the family looks human.

5. Do the rooms in your house have a theme? Or is it a mixture of knick-knacks here and there?

No theme. Our rooms just have things we like in them. We just try to make them reflect our personality!

That's all for now!! Have a wonderful Saturday!!

Thursday, February 20, 2003

Okay, so I thought I would try the Thursday Thumb-Twiddler. I don't usually do this one, but I thought I'd give it a go....

1. How responsible are you for the happiness of others?

Hmmm...a tricky question. Well I believe that everyone is responsible for their own happiness. I don't feel anyone can MAKE you happy...I think that something you have to do for yourself. Happiness comes from within you, not from outside things. On the other hand, I always try to do positive things to make other people feel good. I don't think I can make them feel happy, but I at least want to make them feel good when they're around me.

2. Where's the strangest place you've ever been?

Another tough question. Gonna have to think about this one......well, this is not really original, but we went to an aquarium last August (don't remember the name....somewhere between Manchester and Liverpool, near Chesire Oaks) and we went in this tunnel thing with glass seperating you from the water where the fish are sort of swimming all around you. It was really cool, but very strange.....I really liked it though

3. If you could only do vacation travel (a) to places you've been to before, or (b) to places you've never been before, which would you choose?

Places I've never been. I don't even have to think about that one. I want to see the entire world, although I know I won't ever have the chance!! That would be so amazing! I love different places and would love to visit them all!

Well, there you go Hope everyone is doing well!!

Monday, February 17, 2003

Hi Everyone!!

Well, I've changed my blog look again Hope you like it! I've drawn all of the graphics again, and if you'd like the set, it will soon be available in my graphics site, Starry Eyed Graphics.

Rich and I had a very nice Valentine's, thanks for all the comments We decided that since it would be so busy, we would stay home and have a nice homemade meal. (We'll go out for Rich's birthday next month instead. Yay!!) I made steak marinated in red wine and onion sauce, mashed potatoes, Yorkshire puddings, cauliflower in cheese, and a bottle of rose' wine. We also had candles and just had a very romantic evening at home

Well, my 2 week temping job has now come to an end. I got the wonderful reference from the employer, which I was very grateful for. I'm now temping again, but only in the mornings now, for a Mental Health Crisis Team. Today was my first day, but I really like it so far. I am still looking for a permanent job though, and maybe something will come along soon!

Hope you all have a wonderful evening!!

Wednesday, February 12, 2003

Ooops! Sorry I haven't been back sooner!! I've just been soooo busy!! The job is going wonderfully and my boss has said she will write me a glowing reference to take with me when I leave Yay!! That should hopefully help me to get a permanent job soon. Just keep your fingers crossed for me!!

I'm now going to try to visit some of my reads that I haven't been to in a while!! Again, oops and sorry! I promise I will be by soon! Hope everyone is doing well!! Thanks for all the comments on my tag boards and comments page!! Also, for those who've sent me adoptions and Valentines and things, I will be getting them up soon, I promise!

Wednesday, February 05, 2003

Wow!! What a very tiring week!! Just wanted to pop in and let everyone know I'm okay. The job is going good and I really enjoy it!! Its very tiring, but at least I'm doing something!! I have loads of adoptions and things I need to get up, so I will be doing that soon, I promise!! Thanks for all the posts....I will be back (probably on Friday) to post more and get caught up on everyone's blogs!! Til then, I hope you all have a wonderful week!!