Ponderings From the Crazy American

Lynn rambles on about life in the UK, being married to the silliest Englishman she knows :D, and life in general!

Tuesday, April 29, 2003

Hi Everyone

Not much going on today. The concert was good...I had a good time. Hope everyone is having a great Tuesday!!

Here's the Tuesday This-or-That:

1. Lying down on the couch, or stretching out on a recliner?

Lying on a couch is the most wonderfully comfy sensation in the world!! Well....if its a comfy couch....

2. Going barefoot or wearing soft slippers?

I'm a barefoot kinda girl, lol!

3. Eating ice cream, or pizza?

Pizza!! Just ask my hubby

4. Watching on TV...a classic movie or a reality show?

A classic movie. I sometimes get tired of the reality shows, but never tire of movies!

5. Wearing: blue jeans or sweat pants?


6. A long, soothing bubble bath or a quick, invigorating shower?

Bubble bath!!! Oh, I can't wait to get back to Georgia and have a bubble bath in my tub!!! Its one of the really BIG garden tubs and I miss it an awful lot, lol!

7. Furniture: leather, or something more on the fuzzy side?

I like the fuzzier stuff. No offense to you leather lovers out there, but I just don't really like leather furniture. It doesn't seem comfy to me.

8. Soft, classical music, or upbeat rock & roll?

I like rock & roll better. I do like classical, but I'd usually rather listen to rock & roll.

9. Darkness or light?

Darkness. I don't really like a lot of light. Even during the day, I only really like muted light.

10. Thought-provoking question of the week: You get married, or otherwise begin cohabitating with a significant other. S/he moves into your place, but brings with them the UGLIEST chair you have ever seen! You really don't want this thing in your home, but SO says it is the most comfy chair s/he has ever sat in, and no way will they part with it. Do you: grin and bear it, or scheme to get rid of the montrosity somehow?

Oh, for crying out loud, he can have the silly chair I have things I like that Rich doesn't and he has things that he likes that I don't, but we compromise because we love one another and we share our life and that means sharing everything....even the stuff that really bugs us, lol!

Bye 4 now!

Monday, April 28, 2003

Oooh, found a neat new question thing on Sonia's blog. Here it is: Twenty Questions.

Twenty Questions - Sunday 27th April 2003: Computer stuff

1. Who is your best online friend?

Hmmm...a toughy, cos I've got lots of friends, but I don't really have a best online friend. I sometimes feel left out, cos I'm one of the few people I know who doesn't have a really really close online friend, lol! If I had to pick someone, it would probably be Gem because I talk to her more often than anyone else, lol!

2. Who is your oldest online friend?

My oldest online friend is Rich, hehehe! After Rich though it would be Jennie. I found her website one day while I was looking up information on online relationships and I emailed her. She introduced me to Lovingyou.com, where I met a lot of the friends I have now.

3. Who is your newest online friend?

My newest online friend is Anne. I found her blog through a link on Dayna's blog.

4. Do you write your own HTML or use an editor? Which editor?

I write my own HTML. Its easier than an editor to me.

5. Which browser do you prefer?

Internet Explorer 5

6. What's on your computer desk, apart from the PC?

Printer paper, some photographs, a stuffed toy frog, computer games, a glass (it had Coca Cola in it a few minutes ago, lol), and some headache medicine.

7. Which page is your start page?

I think its still set on PC World as the start page....I really should change that, lol.

8. How many email addresses do you have?

Umm.....lol.....5, I think.

9. Which version of Windows do you use?

Windows ME

10. How many hours a day do you spend online?

About 4.

11. If you use a graphics program, which one do you use?

Paint Shop Pro 7

12. How many emails do you get a day?

About 30 from the various accounts.

13. Which is your favourite website?

American Expats

14. Which instant messenger do you use?

I use Yahoo and MSN.

15. Which is your favourite computer game?

The Sims (although I can't figure out how to open a saved game....anybody know how??)

16. Do you use chatrooms? If so, which is your favourite?

Nope. Have only been in one chat room and that's when I met Rich, lol!

17. What size monitor do you have?

I think its a 15" monitor.

18. What sort of connection do you have?

56K Modem connection (Dial-up).

19. What's your favourite computer add-on e.g. webcam?

My scanner. It lets me scan in pictures of our life in England for my family to see

20. When did you first get online?

In August 2000, just a couple of days before I met Rich.

Hi all.

Well, we got some bad news this weekend. For the moment our trip to the US is off You see, Rich's mum is in the process of selling her house and she is going to pay Rich back some money she owes him. That money is what we're planning to pay for the trip to the US with (among other things it'll be used for). Well, she had a buyer all ready to sign the contract and on Saturday, he pulled out of the deal for some reason. Not sure why, but now we have no buyer, and therefore, no money for a trip home

So, for the time being, we can't plan the trip. As soon as the house sells though, we're going to plan to go to the US for a visit. Hope its soon!!

Rich and I are off to a concert tonight. Nothing big, but we're going to see Laura Cantrell. She's a country music singer, and I'm missing country music some (never thought I'd say that, lol), so we're going to see her. I'm really looking forward to it!!

Unfortunately, its raining here....*yuck* Hope everyone's having a good day!! *Hugs*

Friday, April 25, 2003

Happy Friday to you all!!! First of all, let me clarify something from my post yesterday (my husband has said I must tell you this so you don't think he's horrible, lol). Rich does normally iron his own shirts, but since I iron quicker than he does, I did his shirt yesterday morning. There....he should be happy now, lol!!

Here's the Friday Five

1. What was the last TV show you watched?

Ummmm....got to think about this.....I actually think it was BBC news, lol! Ooooh, but will be watching Friends and Baseball tonight!! Got a tip from a forum I joined for American expats that Channel 5 shows baseball on Friday nights!!! Yay!!!!!

2. What was the last thing you complained about and what was the problem?

Um...*blush*....I think it was actaully about England and it was to Rich.....it was because I was feeling very homesick, so I complained about the thing easiest to complain about - the country.

3. Who was the last person you complimented and what did you say?

LOL....it was Isabel (the doggy-pogs!!) and I told her how sweet and pretty she is and how good a dog she had been Prior to that it was Rich and I told him how proud I was to call him my husband

4. What was the last thing you threw away?

Our trash from lunchtime. Threw it in the bin near where we sat.

5. What was the last website (besides this one) that you visited?

The Wakefield Express - The local newspaper, lol!

Back later!!

Thursday, April 24, 2003

Happy Thursday to you all!!

Not much going on in my little world today. The day started off badly with me oversleeping and then Rich discovering he had no shirts ironed. Thus, I had to dash downstairs and iron him a shirt, making myself late for my shower and winding up about 20 minutes late to work. Wonderful. What a way to make an impression, huh?

Anyway, its better now I had lunch with Rich and now I'm home blog hopping. Got to let everyone know about the URL change. I just got tired of it being where it was, so I moved it. I like the look now, as well and I drew the graphics again. Took me a bloody long time, but here they are!

Okay, so the news that I've not been sharing is that it looks like we may get to go home for a visit in June!!!! I'm soooooooo excited, but nothing is final yet, so I'm trying to stay calm. Actually, if things go as planned, we'll be leaving for the US the day before Julie leaves to come to England, lol Only, we won't be staying as long. From the end of June (26 June) til the middle of July (12 July) if things go as planned. Which means Rich will get to spend his first 4th of July in the US!!! Hopefully, we'll be going to see the Atlanta Braves play the Montreal Expos that night!! Yay for baseball, lol!!

Speaking of country holidays, I hope everyone had a great St. George's Day yesterday!! I had a bar of Cadbury's chocolate (although, actually the puppy licked it when I went to get a drink, so I only got a little of it before having to throw it away ) to celebrate. Hehe....what a sacrifice .

Well, I'm off to blog hop some more!! *Cheers*

Wednesday, April 23, 2003

Well, my blog is now moved!! Yay!! Hopefully it'll take less time to load now and be available more often. Also, now its easier to use....at least I think so! Right, so I'm off now to post the Wednesday Wish. Then I may visit a few blogs to give them my new blog address! *Cheers*
I'm working on moving my blog, so I should have that up soon and then I'll visit everyone's blogs to let you know the new address! Also, I'll be posting the Wednesday Wish in a little bit!

Tuesday, April 15, 2003

I've got a headache. Its been a much, much too busy and long month already. And I'm homesick. 'Nuff said.

Thursday, April 10, 2003

Sorry I didn't post the Wednesday Wish yesterday. It was a really busy day and I was really very tired yesterday evening! So here it is now!

You're visited by the chore fairy who agrees to give you one wish for a chore you will never have to do again as long as you live. What chore do you wish to eliminate from your life (it will be automatically done for you!)?

No contest, it would be laundry!! I hate washing clothes, so I would love to have someone to do it for me, lol!!

Not much other news. No word yet about the house, but will let you know more as soon as I do! Some other good news, but will hold off telling you until I'm certain about it. As soon as I know for certain, I'll let you know (no we're not pregnant, lol).

Also made a new adoption for Starry Eyed Graphics. Its a website/blog protection cat. I'll post it here in a bit!! More later!


Tuesday, April 08, 2003

Here's the This-or-That Tuesday!

Who is:

1. Sexier (female)...Pamela Anderson or Jennifer Garner?


2. Sexier (male)...Ben Affleck or Matt Damon?

I don't really fancy either of them, but if I must choose.....Ben Affleck!

3. The better piano player...Billy Joel or Elton John?

I like Billy Joel, but he's just no Elton John!

4. Funnier...David Letterman or Craig Kilborn?

Don't find either of them very funny, but Letterman's more so.

5. The dumber cartoon cat...Stimpy (of *Ren & Stimpy*) or Tom (of *Tom & Jerry*)?

Stimpy, obviously! Tom is cute!! But Stimpy is just horrible!

6. A better news anchor...Tom Brokaw or Dan Rather?

Tom Brokaw is definitely better!

7. A better TV chef...Emeril Lagasse or Jacques Pepin?


8. The trashier talk show host...Maury Povich or Jerry Springer?

Jerry Springer is just trash city!!

9. The worse fast food burger joint...McDonald's or Burger King?

I like both McDonald's and Burger King!! So I wouldn't say either was bad, but I do like BK's burgers better and Micky D's fries better.

10. Thought-provoking question of the week: Only a handful of U.S. Presidents have been considered to be *great* Of the following two, which one do you consider to be greater...Franklin D. Roosevelt or Abraham Lincoln? Why?

Easy question. Franklin D. Roosevelt was a much better president. He started Social Security, he helped the US to move out of the depression, he led our country through most of WWII (until he passed away), and the United Nations was his idea (even if the idiots who run it today are screwing it into the dirt!! But that's another story). Abraham Lincoln was a crap president; he just gets good props for abolishing slavery. The one good thing he did and everyone thinks he's a saint. Any president of the time could have done the same thing, he just happened to be the lucky one sitting in the President's chair at the time.

Have a great afternoon everyone!!

Hi Everyone

Hope everyone is having a great week! I may have some news. I won't say its good yet, because there is still a lot of work to be done before we know anything for sure.....BUT.....Rich and I viewed a house last night that we really really like! Its a 2 bedroom house and its a lot bigger than most of the houses we've seen (much bigger than I expected it to be), and it has a very nice garden so Isabel would have somewhere to play!

The only problem is that its about £7000 more than we've been told we can get for a mortgage. However, we've only seen one Independent Financial Advisor, so we're going to set up an appointment with a few others, as well as our bank and see what we can do. We may be able to get them to come down on the price of the house by £3000 or so, but that would be about it, so we still need to find an extra £4000. So, no need to get too excited yet, because we may not be able to do anything on the house. I'll try to keep you informed with what's going on though! Keep your fingers crossed for us

I've got to try to get Gem's birthday gift in the mail today!! Tomorrow is her birthday , so everyone pop on over and wish her a Happy Birthday!

Not much else happening.....I've been having problems with bus drivers again but I don't really feel like talking about it. Back in a minute with the This-or-That Tuesday!

Thursday, April 03, 2003

Here's my Wednesday Wish (yes, I know its late, lol):

You receive in the mail an envelope containing two tickets. The tickets could be for anything (a show, concert, flight, etc). What do you wish the tickets to be for?

Right now I just wish the tickets were 2 plane tickets to Georgia!! I'm missing home tremendously right now. Just want to see my family....its been 4 months today since I've seen them. Oh, well, maybe soon!

Didn't actually get to see the doctor on Tuesday....since I haven't yet registered with a doctor in the UK, we went to a Walk-In Centre where we waited 50 minutes to be told that there were only nurses there and they couldn't prescribe medication. So a wasted trip. In the meantime, we've got a list of doctors and are trying to get registered with one. My cough is better today, but I seem to be losing my voice again I can't seem to win! Fingers crossed, though, I'll soon be back to normal!!


Tuesday, April 01, 2003

Right....I give up. I can't seem to shake this flu that's taken hold of me, so I'm off this afternoon to see a doctor. *Yuck* I hate doctors!!! But I can't seem to breathe very well anymore. Saw a pharmacist on Saturday to see what he recommended and he said I had a chest infection and needed to see a doctor. Cough medicine and flu medicine isn't working, so I guess its gonna take some antibiotics to get rid of it.

I haven't even been able to dancercize much lately. No breath!! I get started, but have to stop because I'm too exhausted and out of air to continue. On the plus side though, I've lost 6 pounds from being sick and the muscles in my stomach have tightened up from coughing. I told Rich that it may be painful, but its exercise!! LOL

Pulled a muscle in my back though, which wasn't good....again from coughing....oh, well!

We had a very lovely Mother's Day in England on Sunday. We went to Rich's mum's and I made dinner. It was a good day

May have some good news later in the week, but gonna keep quite about it for now....don't want to jinx it!!

*HUGS* to you all!!!